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The Sun Does Rise

We're at the Oregon Coast for a few days and I couldn't sleep. It's the morning of the Winter Solstice and it was dark -- cloudy cover, no moon, DARK. Looking out the windows of this lovely beach house, I could hear the waves but could only see the reflection of what was going on inside the house.

That's kind of how things are sometimes. We know the light is coming, but things seem really, really dark right now and we can't see beyond what's going on inside. Maybe that darkness comes from physical or mental illness. It might be due to financial or job stress or concern about our kids, parents, or friends. In any case, the figurative night can seem incredibly long and it's often hard to feel hope. Sometimes, I can only tell things are getting lighter by comparing them to how dark it was before. Gradually, though, there's enough light to see by and the path forward becomes clearer and more hope-filled.

If you're in the middle of a long "night," I'm sorry. Those seasons are so hard and they seem to last forever. But the light does come and the sun does rise.

I wish you all peace and hope this holiday season.

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